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Starting a workflow through code

3 minute read

Within SharePoint there can be situation in which you would like to start a workflow through code, like in an event receiver. But how do you start a workflo...

Branding a SharePoint site – Part 2

5 minute read

Last week I wrote the first article in a series of articles about branding your SharePoint site. In the first article we discussed how to brand your site an...

Branding a SharePoint site – Part 1

9 minute read

Within SharePoint and WSS you have the possibility to brand your site. You can do this on several ways: A custom style sheet. A custom theme. I think th...

SharePoint 2007 Service Pack 2

less than 1 minute read

Yesterday Service Pack 2 was released for SharePoint. In my post “Office Service Pack will be available on 28 April” you can read about some changes that ar...

Handle access denied for application pages

1 minute read

Within SharePoint you have the ability to create custom application pages. Application pages remain in the layouts folder of SharePoint. Each user can acces...