Article Published DIWUG Magazine 14 – Management of Host Named Site Collections
A while ago I wrote an article about the management of host named site collections in SharePoint 2013. The magazine it was written for was released today. If...
A while ago I wrote an article about the management of host named site collections in SharePoint 2013. The magazine it was written for was released today. If...
If you want to use the BizTalk Deployment framework in combination with Release Management you need to adjust the default build template that comes with Rele...
To setup a build in combination with Release Management you need the Release Management build template. This template looks like the default build template b...
In one of my previous post (Configuring Web Site Binding with Release Management) I showed how you can make a custom action for Release Management to configu...
In many situation you would like to do a offline installation of SharePoint 2013 or you are required to do a offline installation because you do not have a n...