1 minute read

One of the things I like to do is sharing knowledge with the Community. I started my website in 2008 and last year I noticed that I have been blogging for 10 years. My first post was from 27-03-2008 and I still love writing articles.

In 2018 I became a member of the AIMS Performance Pro team because of me knowledge on Azure and other related topics. The AIMS performance Pro team (#aimsperformancepro) is a program for ambitious and outspoken technical professionals who have interests in the intersection of IT integration, monitoring, analytics, performance tuning and troubleshooting.

In 2018 I investigated a lot of community options to be able to participate more in the community. Besides my Azure DevOps extensions (https://msftplayground.com/extensions/) I'm also investigating the possibility to start a meetup group to get the community together in 2019.

Users and Page Views

In 2017 my website had 71,174 unique users were in 2018 we had 83,864 unique users. Besides that the blog had 109,358 page views.

2018 stats

Thank you for visiting my website in 2018 and hope you will also be doing it in 2019.