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Now that the Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate is released (31 may) it is the question, what kind of new features there are in Visual Studio 2012 when you are looking at SharePoint Development.

Most of the time the release candidates that Microsoft releases contain all of the features that should be in the Final Release.

Some of the new features to facilitate SharePoint Development are:

  • Create Lists and Content Types by Using New Designers
  • Create Site Columns
  • Create Silverlight Web Parts
  • Publish SharePoint Solutions to Remote SharePoint Servers
  • Test SharePoint Performance by Using Profiling Tools
  • Create Sandboxed Visual Web Parts
  • Improved Support for Sandboxed Solutions.
  • Support for JavaScript Debugging and IntelliSense for JavaScript
  • Streamlined SharePoint Project Templates
  • Test Your Code by Using Microsoft Fakes Framework

You can read all about it on this MSDN page:
