Listing Azure Services within a CSV file
In some situations you will look into a current Azure Environment and the setup/governance of it and need to migrate or move resources around.
The below script will help you with exporting the Azure resources into a CSV file, from that CSV file you can join the data within Excel to make plans.
################################################################################### ## ## PowerShell script for exporting Azure Resources within a subscription. ## Creator: Maik van der Gaag ## ################################################################################### Login-AzureRmAccount $path = Read-Host "Enter the full path to save the export file to" $subsciptions = Get-AzureRmSubscription Write-Host "Subscriptions" Write-Host "--------------" foreach($sub in $subsciptions){ Write-Host ($sub | Select -ExpandProperty "Name") } Write-Host "" $name = Read-Host "Please enter the subscription names for which you want to export the Azure Services devided by (,)" $names = $name.Split(","); foreach($subName in $names){