1 minute read

One of the things I like to do is sharing knowledge with the Community. I started my blog in 2008 and changed the platform used a couple of times from WordPress to SharePoint and BlogEngine.Net to SharePoint to WordPress again.

The last two years I have been using WordPress and I will continue to use WordPress in 2017. In Q4 of 2015 I started to blog more actively and that is still going strong.

The blog grew from 166 post to 201 post in 2016 and the views on my pages grew enormous. With atop of 440 views on one day.

Beside my blog I also started some other things in 2016:

  • Twitter: Started to use twitter more actively
  • Facebook: I started a Facebook page for my blog.
  • GitHub: I started a GitHub repository to share code and knowledge.
  • YouTube Channel: For sharing video’s hope to have time to make some more in 2017.

Users and Pageviews

In 2016 the blog had 54,151 unique users and had 75,296 pageviews.

Users and Pageviews


Top 10 Pages of 2016

The top 10 pages of 2016 are except two post posts out of other years. (I really have to do announce my new posts better Knipogende emoticon)

Top 10 Pages



The locations my blog is visited from did not change very much from 2015.

GEO Location


Browser Use

This year edge is making its way to the top, but still needs to beat some contestants.

Browser Use



Thank you for visiting my blog in 2016. I hope to see you back in 2017, I will keep writing blog posts and will try to boost the quality even further.


Happy New Year!