Console Application for SharePoint 2010 [No User Profile Application available to service the request. Contact your farm administrator.]

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Today I was working on some cool features to update the User Profile store in SharePoint 2010. To test this feature I usually use a Console Application. In my Console Application I was keep getting an error on a line like below:

UserProfileManager profileConfigManager = new UserProfileManager(ServiceContext);

The exception I kept getting was : 'No User Profile Application available to service the request. Contact your farm administrator.' I made sure the User Profile Application was running correctly and it was. I already clicked on the "Administrators" button in the toolbar of the Service Application to give me Full Control, but it still wasn't working.

Till I noticed that there is also a 'Permissions' button. I clicked the button and saw that my current user wasn't in the permissions box. I gave my user 'Full Control' and now everything works great from the console application.

Happy Coding!