Virtual Earth WebPart
After reading a post on the blog of Wesley Bakker I thought by myself maybe it is fun to create a webpart in which we can load a map from Virtual Earth.
And so I did I began with creating a webpart with certain properties so that you can also add a location and a pushpin for that location.
First you have to think off a way to get the virtual earth map in the webpart. I have done this by writing the JavaScript to the page in the render method off the webpart.
[Guid("d2a82f7b-d32b-4154-8370-2a2bae4f7af7")] public class VirtualEarthWebPart : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart { public VirtualEarthWebPart() { } protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string javascript = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLocation)) { javascript = "This query has returned no items. To configure the query for this Web Part, <a href=\"javascript:MSOTlPn_ShowToolPane2Wrapper('Edit', this, '" + this.ID + "')\">open tool pane</a>."; } else { //Create Java Script String javascript = CreateJavaScriptString(); } writer.Write(javascript); } public string CreateJavaScriptString() { StringBuilder htmltext = new StringBuilder(); htmltext.Append("<script src=\"\"></script>"); htmltext.Append("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); htmltext.Append(" var map = null; "); htmltext.Append(" var points = null; "); //Load Virtual Earth Map htmltext.Append(" function GetMap() "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" map = new VEMap('myMap'); "); htmltext.Append(" map.LoadMap(); "); htmltext.Append(" map.Find(null, '" + strLocation + "', null, null, null, null, false, false, true, true, findAddressCallBack); "); htmltext.Append(" }"); htmltext.Append(" function findAddressCallBack(thelayer, resultsArray, places, hasMore, veErrorMessage) "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" if(places != null && places.length >0) "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" var latitude = places[0].LatLong.Latitude; "); htmltext.Append(" var longitude = places[0].LatLong.Longitude; "); htmltext.Append(" points = new VELatLong(latitude, longitude); "); htmltext.Append(" try "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" var shape = new VEShape(VEShapeType.Pushpin, points); "); //Set Custom Image URL if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(customIconUrl)) { htmltext.Append(" shape.SetCustomIcon('" + customIconUrl + "'); "); } //Set Location Title if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(titleLocation)) { htmltext.Append(" shape.SetTitle('" + titleLocation + "'); "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptionLocation)) { htmltext.Append(" shape.SetDescription('" + descriptionLocation + "'); "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(photoLocation)) { htmltext.Append(" shape.SetPhotoURL('" + photoLocation + "'); "); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(moreLocation)) { htmltext.Append(" shape.SetMoreInfoURL('" + moreLocation + "'); "); } if (zoomLevel != 0 && zoomLevel <= 19) { htmltext.Append(" map.SetZoomLevel(" + zoomLevel + "); "); } if (modeEnum == MapModeEnum.TwoDimensional) { htmltext.Append(" map.SetMapMode(VEMapMode.Mode2D); "); } else { htmltext.Append(" map.SetMapMode(VEMapMode.Mode3D); "); } htmltext.Append(" map.AddShape(shape); "); htmltext.Append(" map.SetMapStyle(VEMapStyle." + mapEnum.ToString() + "); "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" catch(e) "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" alert(e.message); "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" } "); //Add Function GetMap to the LoadEvent htmltext.Append(" function addLoadEvent(func) "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" var oldonload = window.onload; "); htmltext.Append(" if(typeof window.onload != 'function') "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" window.onload = func; "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" else "); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" window.onload = function()"); htmltext.Append(" { "); htmltext.Append(" func(); "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" } "); htmltext.Append(" addLoadEvent(GetMap); "); htmltext.Append("</script> "); htmltext.Append("<div id='myMap' style=\"position:relative;\"></div>"); return htmltext.ToString(); } }
In the code displayed above I created a StringBuilder with the complete JavaScript and even a html section (div) for displaying the map. In the code above you can also see multiple checks for empty strings. This I have done for certain properties I have added to the webpart.
The properties I have added to the webpart are written down at the end of this post. In the code section below I have added two examples off properties I created for the webpart.
public enum MapStyleEnum { Road, Shaded, Aerial, Hybrid, Oblique, Birdseye, BirdseyeHybrid }; protected MapStyleEnum mapEnum; /// <summary> /// property for the Map Style /// </summary> [WebBrowsable(true), Personalizable(true), Category("Virtual Earth Map Settings"), DisplayName("Map Style"), WebDisplayName("Map Style"), Description("Please choose a Map Style.")] public MapStyleEnum MyEnum { get { return mapEnum; } set { mapEnum = value; } } //Custom icon private string customIconUrl; /// <summary> /// property for the location title /// </summary> [WebBrowsable(true), Personalizable(true), Category("Virtual Earth Location Settings"), DisplayName("Custom Icon Url"), WebDisplayName("Custom Icon Url"), Description("Please enter the url off the custom icon.")] public string CustomIconUrl { get { return customIconUrl; } set { customIconUrl = value; } }